Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Birthday part II

Since Jeff got home, we've been busy with Ariel's birthday, Jeff's jetlag, and taking care of life details. These are his last 2 weeks home before his 2.5 months stateside training and 1 year deployment. So we have lots to square away. Sorry if we haven't gotten back to you. As of this photo shoot, we hadn't checked mail, so not all her wonderful cards and gifts are pictured.
"Thank you for the pretty cards!"
One was glittery, and she rubbed it on her head.
Birthday clothes compliments of Grandma Barb and Papa Rich.

some of her gifts from Jeff, Grandma Barb & Papa Rich, JoAnn in Wisconsin
Is it obvious she's an animal lover?!

cake time!
(my lens fogged up just as I walked outside)

She was contemplative about her birthday wish.


"What am I supposed to do with this?"

Serious thoughts about taking on Year Two.

clean up time!
It was so hot. We went to the big pool that evening.

Happy Birthday, sweet Ariel! We love you so much.


  1. Oh, what a sweet baby!!! I remember LiLi's 1st birthday!!! Take it all in because it goes too fast!

    Happy birthday sweetie! May you have many, many more to come!!!


    Sharyn and LiLi

  2. Happy Birthday Ariel.. I am sure you had alot of fun and plenty of sugar highs :)
    Sorry it has been a while... life is insane... as you know but never a dull moment... I want a nap :)
