With great joy, we introduce Doraemon as the newest member of our family!
He was at Yokota's Pet Care center since June 20. He was found abandoned in base housing. He's microchipped, though, so the base knows who did it (that family moved away.) Apparently they left another cat, too (microchip traced back to same family), but we don't know what happened to that cat. Hopefully he/she got adopted. Whoever this family is, despite what they did, must be okay, because Doraemon is sweet, gentle, and healthy.
Doraemon is 12, and in good health and spirits. He's calm, likes to eat, is somewhat playful, and is a sometimes snuggler.
He and Ralph are getting to know each other. They are taking it slowly!

Ashes is the name he came with. We couldn't help but notice a resemblance to the cartoon cat Doraemon. Welcome Doraemon!
Ashes is the name he came with. We couldn't help but notice a resemblance to the cartoon cat Doraemon. Welcome Doraemon!
Well, neither one of them are Binky, but then no cat can live up to his rep. ;-)