Thursday, August 5, 2010

Ariel talking video

In this video, Ariel practices saying "brother" and "mother." In the beginning, she makes spitting (raspberry) noises. She's talkative lately, and it's hard to pinpoint her first word. She's said "mama" a few times, as well as what sounds like "I love you." Or maybe I just hear what I want to hear!

1 comment:

  1. I heard brother, mother, and mama!!! Too cute! Keep track of all the words Ariel says. The words will come very fast. Within 5 months, you will look back and be in shock how many words she increased. I used flashcards with LiLi too. About 5-10 minutes a day. I am not crazy, it really worked! This is the time to really get that brain working!!! We want another smart cookie out of Ariel. ;0)
