We had a relaxing weekend staying cool.

This is a Japanese kids' futon I got at Hard Off (a chain of Japanese second-hand stores.) They are expensive bought new, but this was cheap (and clean!) It's a futon mat, comforter, little pillow, and it all fits in a Hello Kitty tote bag.

I think it just might be her toddler bed.

It's good manners here to put your foot on the table! (or babies can get away with it.)

For the first time, I saw her grab a stack of books and start looking through one. The one she's holding is a kitten book that makes meowing noises - it's a favorite with her and the cats.

Blurry picture, but she does a lot of this lately: standing. She can balance well now, and can stand several seconds. Then she can lower herself slowly to sitting (or plop down quickly!)

Workout time with her trainer, Doraemon
I miss that age...sniff, sniff.