Sunday, August 9, 2009

Roller Coaster

It's that time of month. The time we watch Rumor Queen morning and night for rumors about the next cut-off date. It used to be toward the end of the month that we expected the next batch of referrals. Since swine flu got us off-cycle, it's lately been around the 20th of each month.

Here's how it goes: people (from agencies, European countries, etc.) inform the RQ about what they know, then she publishes the rumors on her blog. First rumors are usually false, and sometimes crazily optimistic. More rumors trickle in. Eventually, we find out "matching has begun," and soon we'll know who got referrals (which LID families.) Then there's a lot of excitement, congratulating, etc., for these families. Sometimes there's anguish for people who were mysteriously skipped, or whose LIDs turned out to be wrong.

Last month, the CCAA got to March 22, 2006. RQ's prediction for this month is just one day: March 23. At this point, anything is exciting progress to April 6, 2006 (our LID.) Strap in if you want to join us for the excitement this month.