Rumor Queen (RQ) just posted her newest projections. I borrowed her 2006 calendars (on right) to give you a visual. This month, CCAA (China Center for Adoption Affairs) matched families with LIDs (log-in dates) of March 23-24, 2006. So, a 2-day batch, but they were "big" days (lots of families logged in.)
For September, she predicts CCAA will get through 3/28/06.
October: 4/3/06
November: 4/7/06
Our LID is 4/6/06. I still think it might be Dec/Jan/Feb for us, but we need to be prepared for sooner, just in case.
These are just predictions based on her number-crunching, not a given. Xie Xie, RQ!
Our agency just announced their 3/24/06 families received "7 healthy referrals on Friday and the little girls were all located in the Jiangxi Province, ranging from 6-10 months of age." A lot are from Jiangxi province lately (southeast-central China.)