Last night Jeff & I had bottle practice. We had a few Playtex Drop-in types with liners, some 4-ounce Avent bottles, and a Dr. Brown's. Plus, we had various nipples and a box of Enfamil packets. Most of this came from a friend who only breast-fed, so never used her bottle assortment (thank you!)

I was intent on looking at the mechanics of all the bottles and various nipple types (slow, medium, fast flow.) But Jeff was smart and got right to the point of mixing. We thought the Playtex Drop-ins were a bit weird, but the little Avent bottles were nice. We didn't try the Dr. Brown's, because I didn't want to clean all the parts. Jeff thought the Enfamil tasted okay (yes, we bottle-fed ourselves), and I thought it was yucky (I'd been told this, but didn't believe it until now!)

Ralph watched all this curiously from atop the couch. I offered him a bottle, but he didn't want it. We did learn we'll need a bottle-drying rack for all the little parts. Our child might be a bit past the bottle stage, but we'll want to baby her and offer her the extra nutrition (they say it's great for bonding, too.)