Friday, September 11, 2009
Clothes from Audrey-chan
Today we got some new (well-loved) clothes, courtesy of Audrey-chan and the Morales clan. Lots of mix & match pieces for cooler weather. The possible size and type of clothing is starter to come clearer: 6-9, 12 month, winter.... maybe, maybe, don't hold us to it! This picture shows a bit of our packing efforts - an ongoing project for the last 4 years.
Earlier this summer, we received these and many other outfits from Audrey-chan. We've seen her wear them, so know how good they look on a dark-haired girl. The blue one does say "Born in the USA." Hmmm. Arigato gozaimasu, Audrey-chan!
Right now, I need to pay attention to this baby (see video):