Saturday, April 20, 2013

Happy Forever Family Day, Ariel!

Yesterday, we celebrated the day we met Ariel.  That was 3 years ago in Guangzhou, China.  We were nervous and rushed that day - flying in from Beijing in the morning, checking into our hotel (choosing between a luxurious small room and an older but more spacious apartment - we chose the room), filling out papers exactly right just before the big moment.

But all that rushed and nervous feeling went away when we met Ariel.  She seemed happy to meet us, and comfortable to be in our care.  She especially liked looking at and cuddling with Jeff.  She was only 13 pounds.  We had a short bath together, which she surprisingly enjoyed.  She had some moments of crying that week in the hotel.  She preferred to be on the go, rather than stuck in the room.  We often heard her friend, Haley, from down the hall shouting an exuberant "Hao la!" (pronounced how-lah) which loosely means "let's go, I'm ready for a change!"  Ariel agreed, and has proven herself to be an adventure girl ever since.

We love you so much, Ariel Hao Liang!

Here are a few recent pictures:

She was drawn to this store's merry-go-round.

And was very excited about the big, fast carousel on the National Mall.

She likes to give Mrs. Potato Head unconventional looks.  She completely assembled her this day while I turned my head.

Cuddling her bunny from Grandma Barb and Papa Rich.

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