Thursday, July 22, 2010

Skyping Dad

Thursday night (and every night and morning), we Skyped Jeff. He's in the States for a month. Ariel is determined to grab the webcam and teletransport herself to him. She likes to Skype, and grabs faces on the screen.

Boxes of toys distract her from crawling under the computer desk, until I put up better barriers. She was sporting the "one-wing" hairstyle.

crawling well now

All on her own, she's practicing standing against this wall.

The smile says it all!

"Hey, let's go for a walk!"
The weather has been hot, so we waited until sunset to walk. She enjoys riding in the BOB.

1 comment:

  1. She wears PINK!!!! I was beginning to wonder. ;0) I love the swoopty (not sure if that is a word) hair thing today. Very cute!!!! She must have the most perfect shaped head. I can't wait to see piggy tails next. With bows!!!!

