Monday, May 3, 2010

seeing Waikiki

Sunday, we took a walk from the Hale Koa up through the shopping district to the beachside parks and zoo.
at Maui Tacos
This was in a mall food court, where she had a big nap on our laps. The fish tacos and salsa bar were delicious. We also enjoyed seeing and hearing the many Japanese people, and reading some Japanese on the menus.
We love this girl!

Yeah, beach!

Her latest thing is rolling between us, then inching up so her head is between ours. Jeff is simulating her "hand pose." She likes to make a jazz hand and stare at it. One night she kept moving her hand toward her face with a Darth Vader-like sound, like she was trying to scare herself. She often likes to act scary, like a baby monster.
That's the gecko onesie from Brooks. It's a favorite.

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